Top 5 Kid Craft Supplies to Have on Hand
Kids are always on the go and it's a good idea to be prepared for what ever project or activity they might want to tackle future. I've put a list together of my top 5 kid craft supplies. These testament help you and your kids stay crafty any time a stick out is ready to be created!
1. Glue: My personal favorites are glue dots which are available at most wiliness stores. They are easy to habituate, don't make a deal, and keep things secure. The next best-loved gum is a gum stick. To a lesser extent mess, only sometimes you have to add a trifle more to it to make IT stick, and if you don't attach the lid tight, information technology does dry unconscious. An all-purpose wiliness glue, or white school glue, does the job too. But hold sure you have enough time for the drying, as it's usually overnight.
2. Pipe Cleaners (aka chenille cord stems): These are a staple at our house. There are so many projects that tail be created with these. With entertaining tutorials out happening the Internet to make wholly kinds of creations using one or two pipe dry cleaners, it's practically endless fun. They stern be twisted, whorled, threaded with string of beads or small track straws, and even curled. A must-suffer children's craft supply.
3. Craft Foam Sheets: This is a great supply to wealthy person on hand. Information technology comes in bright colours, it's many playable than paper, fairly sturdy, easy to cut and mucilage, even write about, and can bend and loop into fun shapes operating room hats.
4. Googley Eyes: These are just too much entertaining NOT to have in your basic children's craft supplies. Googley eyes ever make a fun crafty project. Googley eyes can be added to everything, such arsenic paper plates, lunch sacks, popsicle sticks, frames, buttons, etc. I like to glue dots to the back of these to help them stick to nearly any surface.
5. Crayons: The classic supplies for some children's craft projects are crayons. You always need some kind of writing utensil and crayons are perfect for little hands. You can get them petite or low-set, depending on the size of your child's fingers. I like to buy the mega box of crayons, equally information technology comes with a crayon sharpener. And about children like a nice pointy crayon.
What are your favorite tyke craft supplies?
Marie is a mother of 3 surviving in Seattle, WA. She's been the founder and managing editor in chief of Give and Takes for the last 13 years, curating a DIY website with kids craft tutorials, home decor ideas, and easy recipes. As well as the author of the Word, Pretend and Takes for Kids. Marie graduated with an Earlier Childhood and Elementary teaching degree and is currently teaching Kindergarten in Seattle. She loves sharing her creativity present at Make and Takes!
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